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Journey Through the Psalms

The Benefits of Loving God - Episode 9    

Pastor Frances Huezo, July 03,  2024 

​Pastor Frances concludes the series by finishing her discussion on Psalm 91 by speaking on the benefits of loving God. God promises blessings to the people who love Him. While it is true that God loves everyone, He also expects people to love Him back and has rewards for those who do. You can learn about them in this episode. 


Under His Wings Episode 8    

Pastor Frances Huezo, June 26,  2024 


Drawing revelation from Psalms 91, Pastor Frances teaches us to find peace and trust in God during unexpected, unplanned, or unpredictable seasons. We can truly experience God as our shelter and protector during these times. This episode is for you if you're going through a transition, unexpected change, or a difficult season. 


Who Gets to Enter into God's Rest - Episode 7    

Pastor Frances Huezo, June 19,  2024 


In this world full of stress, danger, and uncertainty, it is possible to live a peaceful life by resting in God. In today's episode, Pastor Frances teaches us who gets to rest in God and how to enter into that rest using the first three verses of Psalm 91. Do not miss it. 


The Wages of the Wicked - Episode 6    

Pastor Frances Huezo, June 12,  2024 


Many people do not understand why God doesn't stop the wicked from causing harm. In this episode, Pastor Frances explains why God doesn't stop the wicked from sinning and reminds us that one day God will end the suffering of the righteous. If you ever have doubted God's goodness, this episode will answer many questions about God's everlasting love. 


A Formula for Divine Protection
- Episode 5   

Pastor Frances Huezo, June 5,  2024 


We will all face difficult situations occasionally, and fear will knock at the doors of our hearts in those difficult seasons. If we learn to use the Bible correctly, we can live in peace amid every storm life throws us. Pastor Frances Huezo, in today's episode, teaches us to use the Bible to protect our hearts and learn to live in peace throughout every season of our lives. 


Our Deliverance from Fear
- Episode 4   

Pastor Frances Huezo, May 29,  2024 


In this episode, Pastor Frances uses the first six verses of Psalm 34 to teach us how King David was completely delivered from all fear and inspire us to do the same. As children of God, it is possible to live a fear-free life. Learn how to do it by listening to our podcast. 


Learning to Trust God - Episode 3  

Pastor Frances Huezo, May 22,  2024 


In this third episode of A Journey Through the Psalms series, Pastor Frances discusses Psalm 27. This time, she teaches us to trust in God in spite of His silence or apparent distance from us. Mature believers must learn to keep their emotions in check and live not by their feelings but by what they know. We believe this episode will elevate your trust in God. Do not miss it. 


Hidden in God's Presence - Episode 2  

Pastor Frances Huezo, May 15,  2024 


King David desired to spend every day of His life in God’s presence, for he understood the benefits of dwelling in it. In this episode, Pastor Frances shares some of those benefits and inspires us to make King David’s desire our desire. We hope you enjoy it!


Psalm 27 (Part 1)

- Episode 1  

Pastor Frances Huezo, May 1,  2024  |  SEASON 17 


Today, Pastor Frances starts the series entitled "A Journey Through the Psalms" by sharing a teaching on Psalm 27 with us. This Psalm is a declaration of David's trust in God. Nothing makes God happier than when His people trust Him. If you are fighting against anxiety, stress, or fear, this episode will give you tools to keep your heart at peace. Do not miss it. 


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