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Be Still and Know that I Am

God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

Exodus 3:14 (NIV)

Can you imagine what Moses thought when He heard God say, “Tell them I Am has sent me to you?” There was no way for Moses to understand that God was telling him, “I AM Elohim (Creator), El Eloah (God Mighty and Strong), Shaddai (God Almighty), Adonai (Lord), Yahweh (Lord), Jireh (Provider), Rapha (Who Heals), Nissa (The Lord our Banner), M’Kaddesh (Who sanctifies or makes holy), Shalom (Lord of Peace), Elohim (Lord God), Tdidkenu (our Righteousness), Rohi (our Shepherd), Shammah (the Lord is there), Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts), Elon (Most High), Roi (God of Seeing), and El-Olam (Everlasting)”.

At that moment, God was telling Moses I got you. I saved your life when you were floating in a basket down the Nile. I was with you in the palace. I have been with you in the desert and will be with you when you go before Pharaoh. I will provide for you in the desert. I will protect you from your adversaries. I will guide you day and night. I will give you love for these stubborn people. I will give you my law and will help you obey it. I will bury your body in the desert, will fight Satan for it, and will take you home at the end of your days.

Child of God, no matter what is going on in your life today God is telling you the same, “I am who I am, and I got you”. You can be still and know that the Great I Am has you in the palm of His mighty hand. There is no need for you to stress, worry, or lose your joy. The God that made mana rain down from heaven for His children will provide for your needs. The same God that divided the waters to protect His people has you covered. Your enemies may surround you, but your God has promised to give nations for your ransom.

Stop trying to figure out how you will get out of trouble. Be still. Remain in faith before God. Let Him be your comforter, your strong tower, your light in the darkness. Let Him calm your storms, close the lion’s mouth, and be with you in the fire. He is willing and more than able to see you through your pain. My dear friend, pain, fear, need, and uncertainty may tempt us to look for answers in places or people outside our God, but you do not have to do that. Be still, take heart, and let God be whatever and whomever you need Him to be for you today and always.

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