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Every leader must have a vision. Leadership must provide direction. We cannot follow leaders who are going nowhere.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Proverbs 29:18(a) KJ

"Following" implies that someone is going somewhere others also want to go. A vision is a plan to turn a dream into reality. Finding a cure for cancer is a dream. Curing a specific kind of cancer in 10 years is a vision. For leaders, vision is the ability to concentrate on the most critical aspects of a plan to accomplish a dream.

Visionaries can see something done before they start it. They can imagine or visualize the future and lead their followers toward their goals. King David was a visionary. His vision was peace for his country in their region. That vision motivated him to train a mighty army that fought with great enemies until they finally accomplished peace and great riches for Israel.

Saul, whom David succeeded, was the tallest man in Israel but was never a great military leader. He could never give his men direction or encouragement during battles because he could never see his men defeating Israel's enemies. Saul's most significant problem was that he never had a vision for Israel. On the other hand, David could see Israel's enemy defeated even before they fought them.

It was easy for David to have a vision for Israel because he understood that He alone could not accomplish much but knew that for God, it was easy to gain every victory. Are you a visionary? Do you have a vision for your family, team, organization, or church? Do you see yourself and the people you love succeeding in life?

Most Christians are great dreamers, but not all of us know how to turn our dreams into realities. Some of us need help visualizing how to do that. There is no better teacher of vision than the Holy Spirit. Invest some time in prayer this week and ask the Holy Ghost to help you improve your vision.

To study more on the subject, listen to our podcast on vision by going to

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