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By Yanira Sosa-Hiza

I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.

Isaiah 43:25 (NIV)

I first heard about forgiveness when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The people who prayed with me told me, “God forgives our sins and forgets them.” Those words touched me so much that they still bless me today. Many people tell me, “I forgive, but I do not forget, and every time I get the chance, I remind the people who offended me what they did.” That is not forgiveness!

Christ never tortures us, reminding us of our sins. His Word tells us that He throws all our iniquities into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19). To forgive is to forget. In the same way, we know a cut has healed because it no longer hurts when we touch it. We know we have forgiven when we can remember offenses without pain.

During a counseling session, someone told me, “I can forgive easily, but I never trust the person who offended me again.” I am so thankful God is not like that. When God forgives us, He not only forgets our sins, but He continues to trust us. He continues to give us new opportunities to fix our ways.

You know you have forgiven someone who offended you when you can pray with your whole heart for God to bless that person. Even if you are still dealing with the pain of someone’s betrayal or aggression, forgive them. Jesus told us to love our enemies and to bless those who curse us.

If God forgives us so much and gives us new chances to make amends daily, we can reciprocate what He does for us. We can forgive our offenders. Examine your heart to see if you genuinely have forgiven the people who offended you in the past. Let go of that offense. Forgive and forget.

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